Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday at Mama and Papas

With temperatures up above Zero finally, Maddy and I traveled over to Mama and Papa's house for some Wii fun and some fun outside in the snow. Inside, I created some Mii's for Mama and Papa and dominated Papa at some baseball, bowling, and tennis :) while Maddy and Mama watched.... Mama getting beat'n by a spoon and hit the whole time....hmmmmmm.. interesting new phase. Outside we had some fun. Maddy was pulled around on her new sled and we took some turns riding the snowmobile. It also seems Maddy has a new follower, not Fluffy, but Spike.

Piggy tails

Maddy is not one for letting people do her hair. Even if you manage to get her hair cute enough, she manages to rip it out in about 2 minutes. On one of our snow days earlier this week, we managed to get her hair into pigtails for about 10 minutes while she was watching some snow outside..... but of course, she took them out... it even looks like she has some big blue eyes in this picture

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas in January

Friday morning Maddy and I ventured to Bloomington with Grandma and Papa to have Christmas in January. We met Kelly, Ron, Melissa, Erik, and of course my brand new newphew Jackson in Bloomington. This is the 1st time that Maddy and I would meet him :) Maddy did really well being nice and sharing with Jackson. Sharing toys and sharing attention!!!! She helped hold him and always made sure that someone had his pacifier or his bottle just in case. we even got Jackson to hang out in his bouncer. After a lil safety check, taking off any toys that might clang Jackson in the head, we got him situated and he didn't suffer any injuries.. pheewwww... and we didn't have to get out his new ice pack :) Saturday morning I even pushed the limits and we got Jackson content in his swing and got him sleeping .... Boy i'm good :)