Thursday, September 11, 2008


Most of the ENTIRE SUMMER has been spent at various softball games on league nights and tournaments most of the weekends. Really the only night we aren't at a softball game is Tuesdays and Thursdays... of course an occassional Friday if there is no tournament. Maddy is getting pretty accustomed to knowing her way around the diamonds and beginning to wander a little bit farther and farther each time she starts to play. But I guess that also goes with knowing all the people sitting in the stands too. Little miss social butterfly has to make her rounds and say hi and bye and give a little wave to everyone.. A trip to the diamonds is not complete if this doesn't happen. Here's Maddy at the latest tournament right in front of the bleachers so she can be the center of everyone's attention.

What softball post wouldn't be complete if you didn't get to see the 2 families that we spend most of the summer with.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time is flying by

Time seems to be flying by lately. With the start of school, it seems to have left me little to no time to be talking on the phone or even updating on the computer!!! Most mornings are spent getting Maddy and myself ready for the day before I leave at 7:45 and nights are spent getting Maddy picked up at 4, home to start supper, and spend as much time with Maddy as possible. Though it's been getting colder we've been spending most nights trying to be outside for as long as we can. We've been especially busy at the parks because Maddy loves to run around and swing and of course go down the slides 1,000 times!!! But I guess this is just a sign of all the fun to come now that Maddy is getting older..